Function isEmpty

  • Returns whether all (but at least one of the) paths of the given element do neither consume characters nor assert characters.

    If this function returns true, then isZeroLength and isPotentiallyEmpty are guaranteed to return true.


    A backreferences will only be considered potentially empty, iff it is empty by the definition of isEmptyBackreference.


    • isEmpty(e) -> isZeroLength(e)
    • isEmpty(e) -> isPotentiallyEmpty(e)


    • element: Alternative | CapturingGroup | ClassRangesCharacterClass | UnicodeSetsCharacterClass | CharacterClassRange | ClassIntersection | ClassStringDisjunction | ClassSubtraction | ExpressionCharacterClass | Group | LookaheadAssertion | LookbehindAssertion | Quantifier | StringAlternative | Backreference | EdgeAssertion | WordBoundaryAssertion | Character | AnyCharacterSet | EscapeCharacterSet | CharacterUnicodePropertyCharacterSet | StringsUnicodePropertyCharacterSet | readonly Alternative[]
    • flags: ReadonlyFlags

    Returns boolean